AI Platform to win public 🏛️ contracts

1bid makes winning public contracts a breeze. Instant RFP alerts, detailed analysis, and personalized response drafting at your fingertips.

One place to access all your bids
Smart bidding

We analyze RFPs so you don't have to

Our AI optimized models analyze each RFP for you and build winning bids saving you hundred of hours of mundane work

Get personalized RFP alerts based on your business needs and preferences.
Explore Finder
Understand the scope, requirements, and deadlines of RFPs in a fraction of the time.
Explore Analyzer
Leverage AI to help you create compelling, customized responses to RFPs.
Explore Builder
Reduce the clutter. No more sifting through irrelevant RFPs.
Explore Finder
Armed with concise, accurate data, decide with confidence whether to pursue an RFP.
Explore Analyzer
Blend your company's unique strengths with the RFP's specific requirements to craft a winning proposal
Explore Builder

Ready for take-off?

Join our beta program today - first month is free!
Join our beta program
RFP Finder
Get instant access to all open RFPs

Curated opportunities that best match your business capabilities and growth plans.
Discover the right RFPs with unmatched ease and precision.

RFP Analyzer
Extract the information you need

Get comprehensive summaries, highlighting key information like project scope, timelines, and specific requirements.
1bid does the heavy lifting for you by analyzing RFP documents in detail.

Bid Builder

Build a draft response in minutes

A head start with a custom bid response outline


What customers say about 1bid

We've received many positive responses from people about our product.
The following comments are from our beta testers.


Business Development Director

1bid is a gem, their RFP analyser saves us so much time in our go / no go process.



I am very excited by 1bid: they bring a new twist to the nightmare of RFP. I feel I have super powers thanks to 1bid.


Bid Manager

Often I simply did not have 20 hours to allocate to good RFP. 1bid cut my bid response time by 80% to under 4 hours. This is a game changer (and life saver !)